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  • Complete sorting section of notes
  • Complete random alogorithms section of notes before stack
  • Search all uses cases of min/max heap
  • python heapq, use as min/max heap

This playlist has heap in the opposite order

  • In my notes and Python, top of the heap is 0th index element
  • In the playlist, top of the heap is the last element in the array
  • This causes the switch in min/max heap


These two must be given

  1. "K"
  2. "smallest" or "largest"

Also, the heap questions are mostly focused on sorting. The question can be solved using sorting in O(nlogn)O(nlogn). But with heap we can reduce the complexity to O(nlogk).

  • K + smallest -> max_heap
  • K + largest -> min_heap

This is because, when you want to get the K smallest elements, you push the other elements (that are larger than K) to the top of the heap and remove them. This way your heap has size K.

Problem - kth smallest element arr = [7, 10, 4, 3, 20, 15] k = 3

Make max heap of size k = 3

  • Top element is max of arr of size 3
  • [7, _, _]
  • [7, 10, _]
  • [4, 7, 10]
  • [3, 4, 7]
  • [3, 4, 7]
  • [3, 4, 7]
  • Here top of the heap is the rightmost element

kth smallest element

  • make max-heap and return top in the end

return k largest elements in arr

  • make min-heap and return the heap in the end

sort a k sorted array (or a nearly sorted array)

k-sorted means, a value at index x, can be present in any index [x - k, x + k] in the sorted array.

make a min-heap of size k + 1, and that should be sufficient.

whenever the heap overflows, that element can be placed in the sorted array.

For arr = [6, 5, 3, 2, 8, 10, 9] and k = 3

  • [_, _, _, _]
  • [6, _, _, _]
  • [6, 5, _, _]
  • [6, 5, 3, _]
  • Now the next 2 would be at the top, so put it in the output array and repeat

k closest numbers

arr = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 k = 3 x = 7 Fund 3 numbers from the array that are closes to 7

subtract 7 from all elements in the array, and then find the 3 minimum numbers (use max-heap)

for negative numbers you would have to take the absolute difference. And then store a pair in the heap this time <orig_number, x - orig_number>.

top k frequent numbers

  • Use hasmap to get element, frequency pair
  • Then use heap to get the greatest k elements

frequency sort

  • the least frequent elements should come first and so on
  • Similar to previous problem, but use the heap on frequency and put those number of elements in the output array.

connect ropes to minimise the cost

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] elements of arr give length of each rope

we want to connect these ropes, and minimize the cost of that. If 4,5 are connected then new rope length = 9, so cost is 9.

Keep connecting the minimum pairs, till only 1 is left.

sum of elements between k1 smallest and k2 smallest numbers

  • just find the k1, k2 elements
  • traverse the array and get the sum